The color of pasta is the color of the sun
In homage to Italian pasta, crafted by the skilled hands of Argentinean chef Julieta Oriolo, we spent an entire day immersed in the art of kneading, cooking, and indulging in conversations about pasta. From discussions on semolina, bronze molds, to reminiscing about pastas no longer crafted and those cherished by grandmothers.
Days later, I meticulously curated a collage featuring photos intertwined with letters, postcards, and elements that evoke what Italy means to me.
From sunrise to sunset, my thoughts are consumed by food – eating it, capturing it through my lens, and creating it. The allure of colors, textures, and flavors fuels my passion. The amber hue of pasta, French fries, and certain pastry doughs captivates me beyond words; it stirs emotions that defy description.
On my photographic journey, I embarked on a quest to present images in a distinctive manner, moving beyond the conventional solo display. The challenge was to frame them in a context without overshadowing, making a story inside another story. Opting for an entirely hands-on approach, I eschewed digital manipulation. The process, from searching for the elements to assembling them on the shooting day, was both artisanal and gratifying.
It's a means to share my love for the amber tones of these doughs and reflect on how traditions evolve while retaining their essence.
Photography Magali Polverino
Chef Julieta Oriolo (Owner of "La Alacena" Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Art assistant Sofia Saal
Photo assistant Shei Becker
Thanks Muk Ceramicas for the pottery and Casa Almacén for the fabrics.